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Where does time go?

What a crazy month it has been!  It is amazing how fast Tynsley is growing these days.  Matt is still working out-of-town a lot but should slow down soon and we are very excited about that because we miss daddy being here!

Tynsley and I worked on a special project for Daddy on Valentine’s Day.  It was super easy but we made so many memories.

Tynsley is climbing everywhere.  One night I was heating up her frozen breast milk and I heard “mama” and then laughing so I looked around the corner and this is what I saw….

yep all the way up by herself.  And then she did that for the next 30 minutes till bedtime. Then everyday since then.  I love it.

Another thing Tynsley loves is children.  It is crazy how much she wants to be around and play with them.  So we needed to take a trip to Aunt Jill and Uncle Tom to see Griggs and Ridley.

Tynsley is in LOVE with her Lambie…..

Matt has been traveling so much that we decided to visit him instead of miss him so Grandma picked us up on her way to see her sister my Aunt Ann in Gulf Shores.  We had so much fun.   This was Tynsley’s first time at the beach too bad it was so windy we couldn’t go on the beach but that will be soon enough.

Dinner with Jason Horne, she loved him.

Crazy hair before bed at the hotel.

This makes me smile and I’m so blessed!


Thank the lord for Grandma because i got food poisoning from a Greek salad (too bad it was so good) and she came to the rescue and took Tyns for the day and they had so much fun.  Example….

  went to the Birmingham Zoo, I was thinking to would be like the Greenville Zoo (which I love) but it is so much bigger and you can not do to in 30 minutes.  We spent 1.5 hours and could have explored more but it was hot and nap time.

 Laughing at Daddy.

Daddy is the best to watch giraffes.

 Water time.

That is all for this month, we are doing great and loving Alabama.  I’m gearing up for Tynsley’s first birthday next week which is bittersweet for me.  I can’t believe Tyns will be one.  I always think of her as this…..

and this…..

 Two days before Tyns was born.

 And she arrived.

And then our first family photo together at last…

and my first meeting with Tyns not being in surgery….

and now I’m crying that was the best day ever, I didn’t want to have a C-Section but in the end it was best for me and Tyns and I faced my fears.  And this is what I received.

Stay tuned for my next post about Tynsley’s first birthday, I can’t wait but I can at the same time.  Where did my baby go?

Tynsley Month 10

As you know I love to cook!  I cook every night and plan to always do that for my family.  Some people tell me I’m crazy but honestly it is my stress reliever.  I love the fact that I know exactly what my family is eating and that I can be creative every night.

I have probably enjoyed making all of Tynsley’s organic food the most.  I have been using the BEABA Babycooker so worth the money, it cooks and purees in one machine and is the perfect size for the portions I need for Tyns. Thank you to Shana Merck for this awesome shower gift.

It makes my heart smile when I see her so happy eating what I made her.  Right now we are adding in some Nature’s Best Organic baby food and Sprout (gotta love Tyler Florence) because the organic produce is so expensive during the winter.  Our neighborhood, Ross Bridge, has a farmers market that will start in the Spring and it will be back to all me.  Right now Tynsley’s favorite food is canned organic green beans from Publix, if I would let her she would eat a can a day.  She will sign “more” when she has one left it is too cute.

Tyns now weighs 21 lbs 13oz and is so close to walking (getting braver by the minute.)  This means Mommy is one busy chick. Unpacking a home with a ten month old is crazy.  Tyns loves her room and spends hours playing in there and screaming with laughter.  Her new adventure is pulling everything out of her basket and climbing in and then pulling “Lambie” in with her.  By the way “Lambie” is Tynsley’s best friend, he goes everywhere with her and is her new co-sleeper since she is in her crib now instead of in the bed with us.  I think that was harder for me then her. Here is a picture of the first time I caught her climbing in the basket. Her room is a mess!!!!

A couple more new things for Tynsley are:





A few favorite things:

BATH TIME!!!! We sing (more booty dancing), kick our feet (I think we have a swimmer!) and best of all laugh the whole time. And successfully we have not had any poop in the tub issues (thank the lord! stay tuned to next month).

LAMBIE!!!!!  It will be a sad day if we ever lose him (I have one on order just in case 🙂 )

AND BUT NOT LEAST PLAYING DRESSUP!!!! Girl loves her jewels just like her Mommy.

Come back for what craziness we get into next month……. SJ, Matt and Tyns

Hello Alabama!

Sweet Family

Tynsley's first Easter

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